American Sign Language

American Sign Language is a visual language with its own grammar and syntax, used to communicate by the Deaf/Hard of Hearing population within their own communities.

By the use of hands, arms, and body language, you are able to communicate to those who are deaf or hard of hearing. American Sign Language’s grammar is not related to English and is understood throughout the world.

LiNKS® offers a team of professional sign language interpreters, available anytime day or night to service any need. We are here to help!

Our interpreters are highly trained, experienced and qualified in American Sign Language Interpreting and Language Interpretations, or hold one of the following certifications:

  • RID
  • NAD
  • NIC
  • EIPA
  • ESSE

To ensure your needs are met by a caring professional who is right for your specific situation.

Many of our clients are ongoing, long-term customers who rely on us for our consistency of delivery, and understanding of their organization.


What is an Individualized Education Program?

Individualized Education Program (IEP) is designed to meet the unique educational needs of a child who may have a disability. It is intended to help children reach their educational goals and objectives.

IEP includes any necessary accommodations or related services and support needed by the child.

Medical Interpreting

LiNKS® services encompasses the needs of numerous hospitals, medical centers, and independent physicians. We have earned a reputation for unsurpassed quality of service. Many of our interpreters are experienced in medical situations, including initial appointments, pre-surgery consultations, follow-up meetings, Workers Compensation hearings, litigation, and many others.

Team Interpreting

Team Interpreting is the use of two or more interpreters. A single interpreter can become fatigued over time, so to avoid a drop in efficiency, a second interpreter steps in. The criteria for using a team (rather than single interpreter) are length of assignment, size of audience, and physical dynamics of the setting.

Trilingual Services

(Spanish, English and American Sign Language) Trilingual Interpreters are needed to facilitate communication between Spanish speaking, Deaf, and English speaking individuals.

Tactile Services

Tactile interpreting provides hand-on-hand signing and fingerspelling to the blind.